Columbia County Chamber Foundation To Host 3rd Annual Career & College Expo

Tuesday, January 11th, 2022

The Columbia County Chamber Foundation, in partnership with the Columbia County Board of Education, will host the Third Annual Career and College Expo on Tuesday, March 8 at the Columbia County Exhibition Center in Grovetown. 

The event, which targets area middle school and high school students and parents, gets underway at 4:00 p.m. Breakout sessions in fields such as manufacturing, healthcare, nuclear/energy, cyber and financial aid will be held throughout the evening. In 2020, over 1,600 area students and parents along with over 100 colleges, universities and businesses participated in the expo.  

The goal of the expo is to identify clear pathways from high school to a future career, whether that includes a four-year university, a two-year degree at a technical school or trade school, or going directly into the workforce. Designed to educate both middle and high students and parents on the vast career opportunities available, this initiative aligns the educational, technical and trade sectors with businesses. 

To register a student or to register a booth for your business, visit the official Career and College Expo page at or contact Ashley Rice at [email protected] or 706-651-0018.