Doctors Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department Seeing Increases In Impetigo

Staff Report

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020

The Pediatric Emergency Department at Doctor's Hospital has been diagnosing and treating an increased number of children with rash on the face, extremities, neck, and other areas of the body. This rash is called Impetigo, which is a highly contagious rash from a bacterial infection that can be worsened by wearing contaminated masks.

The rash looks similar to a cigarette burn which contains a highly contagious honey colored fluid. This skin infection is usually acquired from other children since it can be easily transmitted by touching. Animals, like dogs and cats, can also acquire the bacteria and transmit it to children when the animal licks them on the face. Regular and proper hand washing, decontamination of toys, cutting nails short, and washing cloth face masks can prevent transmission and development of this skin infection. Once the rash develops, parents should seek medical attention immediately for their children in order to get the proper treatment.