Bank of America Provides 100,000 Face Masks to Underserved Communities in Augusta and Aiken
Thursday, October 15th, 2020
Bank of America is partnering with more than 70 local organizations, leveraging an ongoing partnership with United Way of the Central Savannah River Area and United Way of Aiken County, to provide personal protective equipment (PPE), including 100,000 masks, to area residents. In Augusta and Aiken, which has experienced an increase in the number of coronavirus cases, Bank of America has been working to provide resources to vulnerable and underserved communities hit hardest by the coronavirus.
This donation is part of a nationwide effort by Bank of America to immediately distribute nearly four million PPE masks to communities disproportionally impacted by the coronavirus, including communities of color, and is connected to its $1 billion, four-year commitment of additional support to help local communities address economic and racial inequality accelerated by a global pandemic. This is in addition to the four million masks the company donated earlier this year in cities across the country.
“The health and safety of our employees, clients and communities remain our top priority during this health and humanitarian crisis,” said Ora Parish, Augusta-Aiken market president for Bank of America. “In addition to providing virus relief grants to nine Augusta nonprofits, we are committed to helping slow the spread of the virus by working with local partners to identify and distribute personal protective equipment to those in the most vulnerable populations, including low- to moderate-income communities, communities of color, and frontline workers at schools and health centers.”
Below is more information about how some of the partners will be distributing the 100,000 masks in Augusta and Aiken.
- Family Y for youth involved in afterschool / virtual learning hub programs, summer camp programs and staff
- Boys and Girls Clubs of the CSRA and Aiken for children and staff involved in their programs
- Golden Harvest Food Bank for their guests at Master’s Table Soup Kitchen and their network of food pantries throughout the region
- Salvation Army for their clients, members, and staff in the greater Augusta and Aiken area.
- Senior Citizens Council for volunteers and those they serve throughout the CSRA
- The Aiken Area Council on Aging and Aiken Senior Life Services for volunteers and those they serve in Aiken County.
- Christ Community Health Services for their clients and staff
- Augusta Branch of the NAACP for residents in identified low income or elderly neighborhoods
For more information on the bank’s support of employees, clients and communities during this time, see the latest updates here.