Public Art Installation Embellishes South Augusta Traffic Circle

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

The South Augusta community is delighted to announce the installation of captivating sculptures by renowned artist Roger Finch at the North Leg and Milledgeville Road traffic circle. This initiative, spearheaded by the Public Art Advisory Council and supported by the Greater Augusta Arts Council (GAAC), marks a significant milestone in bringing public art to the heart of South Augusta.

Generously donated by Mr. Nelson Danish, the sculptures have found a new home in the bustling traffic circle, thanks to funding from the Georgia Rehabilitation Institute. Metal Specialists of Augusta facilitated the installation process, ensuring that the sculptures seamlessly integrate into the urban landscape.

To enhance the visual appeal of the sculptures, esteemed artists Colleen and Wesley L Stewart were commissioned to repaint them back to the original color scheme envisioned by Roger Finch. Their expertise and attention to detail have breathed new life into the artworks, revitalizing them for generations to come.

The installation process was made possible through the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including Augusta Traffic Engineering, which provided crucial assistance with traffic control to ensure a smooth and safe installation.

We are thrilled to see the Roger Finch sculptures grace the streets of South Augusta. The sculptures, now resplendent in their original color scheme, are a sight to behold and add a touch of elegance to the bustling traffic circle. Their presence serves as a reminder of Augusta's rich artistic heritage and its commitment to fostering creativity and cultural enrichment.

For more information, please contact Denise Tucker, Public Art Manager at the Greater Augusta Arts Council, at [email protected].