Columbia County Announces Third Annual Columbia County CTAE Workforce Showcase

Staff Report

Friday, November 18th, 2022

Columbia County, along with the Columbia County School District, Columbia County Sheriff’s Office and Columbia County Chamber Foundation, are excited to host the third annual Columbia County CTAE (Career, Technical and Agricultural Education) Workforce Showcase Competition December 10, 2022 beginning at 8:45 AM in the Multipurpose Facility located at the Columbia County Sheriff’s Complex.

The second annual CTAE Workforce Showcase Competition, held earlier this year, had over 200 students competing in pathways from the five area high schools. The pathways represented included: Agriculture, Audio Visual, Automotive, Business, Culinary, Cyber, Engineering, Fire Services, Graphic Design, Health Sciences, Law Enforcement, Marketing, ROTC, Teaching, and Welding. A majority of the pathways were able to participate in a competition between at least two area high schools while others participated in a Pathway Showcase marketing their pathway to business leaders.

The Columbia County CTAE Workforce Showcase Competition provides students an opportunity to showcase the skills they are learning in the classroom or respective settings. The competition has proven to be beneficial for teachers, students, and local businesses by providing an educational and fun way for students to interact with local businesses outside of the classroom. Student talent will be showcased to local business owners, and students will be able to learn about potential employment opportunities available to them after high school graduation.

A detailed agenda will be sent out closer to December 10, 2022.