United Way of the CSRA Launches Annual Campaign and Project Serve with a Vision for a Greater CSRA

Staff Report

Monday, August 26th, 2024

On Friday, August 23, 2024, local community leaders and volunteers joined the United Way of the CSRA staff and board of directors to launch the annual fundraising campaign with the inspiring theme, “Imagine with Us a Greater CSRA.” From now until March 2025, area companies and groups will work towards meeting the fundraising goal of $2,400,000, which will be used to support initiatives and programs benefiting the residents of our community. As a result of the previous year, United Way of the CSRA impacted the lives of 209,264 local individuals, and that number is expected to increase this year.  

Immediately following the kickoff event, over 380 volunteers from various companies, including Club Car, SRNS,  Aurubis, SRP Federal Credit Union, Clearwater Paper, Doctors Hospital, John Deere provided over 1,500 hours of volunteer service at 28 different project sites around the CSRA. Volunteer projects included beautifying spaces at Girl Scouts and Child Enrichment, feeding neighbors in need at Master’s Table, and cleaning facilities at Ronald McDonald House and Salvation Army, and much more! This is the third year in combining the Campaign Kickoff and Project Serve, which has an immediate impact on local nonprofits.  

During the event, United Way of the CSRA President Brittany Burnett highlighted a crucial issue affecting many in our community. “Over 51% of households in our area are struggling. Many fall into the category that we refer to as ALICEAsset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.” Burnett stated. She emphasized that these individuals and families, while employed, are often struggling to make ends meet as their incomes exceed the threshold for public assistance but fall short of covering essential needs such as housing, food, and healthcare.

Burnett stressed the challenges faced by these ALICE families, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck, dealing with the difficult balance of earning too much to qualify for aid but not enough to achieve financial stability. “United Way of the CSRA strives to be a beacon of hope for these hardworking ALICE families. We are excited to unveil new initiatives and support programs designed to strengthen their financial stability and improve their quality of life.”

Along with Burnett, the 2024 Board Chair, Jay Johnson of Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, echoed the need for the community’s assistance to help give ALICE families the help and support they need to achieve financial stability. “I want you to Imagine with us a Greater CSRA with United Way…Our neighbors shouldn’t have to struggle between buying groceries, paying rent to keep a roof over their heads, or worrying about the utility bill that seems to keep increasing this time of year.” Johnson also stated, “Now more than ever is the time to step up to help our family, our friends, and our neighbors who need us.”

This year’s kickoff event was made possible with the support of Presenting Sponsor, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, as well as Platinum Sponsors Doctors Hospital, Aurubis, and Southern Nuclear Operating Company, and Silver Sponsor, Elliott Davis.

For more information about how you can get involved with United Way of the CSRA’s annual campaign, please contact our office at 706-724-5544.