Augusta Regional Airport Has a Record Breaking Year

Staff Report From Augusta CEO

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

Augusta Regional Airport is excited to announce that 2015 was the best year in the history of the Airport! A total of 552,774 passengers traveled through AGS in 2015 which broke AGS’s past highest record in 2012 by 821 people. Overall airport traffic has increased 3.5% since 2014 and 100% since 2006.

Due to the community’s continued support of AGS the airport continues to see influx of passenger growth. Due to the additions of main line service from Delta, extremely low fares set by the airlines for Augusta, and the great reliable service they provide, enplanements continue to rise.

“As the CSRA continues to support their local regional airport, Augusta can expect to see more direct service opportunities in the future,” said Gary LeTellier, AGS’s Interim Executive Director. “With fares remaining extremely competitive and continuous strong reliability, AGS looks forward to continued growth for 2016.”