North Augusta High School Robotics Team Announces $3,000 Donation from Kinder Morgan

Staff Report From Augusta CEO

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

North Augusta High School announced today that Kinder Morgan, Inc. has contributed $3,000 to its award-winning Robotics Team, an organization that fosters education and careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields. The donation will provide necessary travel funds and allow the team to purchase equipment and software for robotics competitions.

“We’re pleased to be able to contribute to such a worthy cause as the North Augusta High School Robotics Team,” said Allen Fore, vice president of public affairs for Kinder Morgan. “It is critical to invest in science and technology-related fields today, so we have engineers and scientists tomorrow.”

In January, 2015, the North Augusta Robotics Team competed in and won its first ever statewide robotics competition. The team was then invited to compete on the national level in San Antonio, Texas, during the March Super Regional Championships, where they scored 11th out of 76 competitors.

“With our startup year being such a phenomenal success we anticipate a tremendous increase in student interest. Having this key corporate support  will help us open the Robotics Team to as many students as possible,” said Lauren Kantz, team leader. “A love of science, engineering and technology is alive in our students and we need to foster that love and help it grow.”