Local Red Cross Seeking Nominations for “Heroes”

Staff Report From Augusta CEO

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

The American Red Cross of Augusta is seeking nominations for its 2017 Heroes Campaign.

The annual event recognizes people in the community who have shown courage, dedication, and extraordinary character through acts of heroism and kindness within the chapter’s 15-county service area, according to a news release. The Heroes Breakfast on June 7 will honor local heroes for using their first aid, CPR, AED training and other actions to save lives.

For more information, including nomination criteria and how to make a nomination, visit http://www.redcross.org/local/georgia/locations/augusta/heroes-nomination.

The American Red Cross of Augusta provides emergency response to Burke, Columbia, Emanuel, Glascock, Hancock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Screven, Taliaferro, Warren, Washington, and Wilkes counties.