North Augusta Chamber Presents Regional Workforce Study Oct. 16th

Staff Report From Augusta CEO

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

The North Augusta Chamber of Commerce will host their A.M. Connection breakfast, on Friday, October 16th at 7:30 a.m. at the North Augusta Community Center, located at 495 Brookside Avenue in North Augusta. Rick McLeod, Executive Direct of SRS Reuse Organization, will present a Regional Workforce Study conducted by SRS CRO (results from a five county, two state comprehensive study) and Dr. Susan Winsor, President of Aiken Technical College, will present information on Aiken Tech's NEW Center for Energy & Advanced Manufacturing facility.

Topics covered will include:

How many jobs will be available annually over the next five years?
Where does the workforce come from in our region?
Where do your neighbors work?
What attracts our regional workforce?
How do current employers view the regional workforce quality today?

The Chamber is offering a flat rate of $15 per person, for Chamber members and non-members for this event.

To register visit

Please contact Jessica Hanson at 803-279-2323 or [email protected] if you would like to attend and cover this event.